Pappagallo School of Foreign Languages

With a foreign name for learning foreign languages ​​in this area

They say you really succeed when you no longer have to introduce yourself, and today it is enough to say “you go to Pappagalla” to let it be known that you or your child is learning a foreign language.

At Pappagallo School of Foreign Languages, we have subordinated everything to our students: from classroom design, state-of-the-art multimedia equipment to teaching with young, ambitious lecturers and native speakers, all with a handful of fun, educational extracurricular activities. Our students are our priority.

A long tradition of a foreign language school

Pappagallo is a school that has dedicated its long tradition to developing special and long-lasting relationships with the families of its students, which is actually the reason why the same students, starting in their fourth year, return to our school from year to year and share invaluable foreign language learning experience. right with us. The Pappagallo School of Foreign Languages ​​was founded in 1989, and over the course of thirty years has grown into the most famous and best foreign language school in the area. Now it also provides Erasmus+ KA1 mobility opportunities for both students and staff in education, and you can find out more about it on this link, Erasmus Courses Croatia. What sets us apart from others is primarily a unique approach to learning and learners: a long tradition and state-of-the-art methods in teaching foreign languages . The school offers English, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Chinese language courses, as well as Croatian language as a foreign language. Of course, it should be emphasized that all programs are in line with European evaluation criteria so that in our school it is possible to attend courses at the end of which you receive a diploma that serves as a public document , and in addition, you can prepare for a number of internationally recognized exams .

Tri lokacije

Samu nastavu moguće je pohađati na tri različite lokacije: na Bačvicama ( Gupčeva 12), Žnjanu (Žnjanska 4) i u Spinutu (Teslina 16A). Osim u prostorima škole, nastava se odvija i u brojnim gradskim poduzećima i bankama s obzirom na to da se trudimo da svi naši tečajevi budu prilagođeni samim polaznicima. U tom pogledu nudimo i tečajeve poslovnog jezika te konverzacijske tečajeve, u sklopu grupe ili u obliku individualne nastave.

Cilj škole stranih jezika Pappagallo uvijek je bio opravdati povjerenje koje nam se daje iz godine u godinu te tako svojim radom zadržati naslov ‘prijateljske škole visokih standarda’.

Tim sjajnih profesora

Ponosni smo i na svoj profesionalni tim profesora koji nerijetko ostavljaju značajan trag na svoje polaznike svojim znanjem, entuzijazmom, predanošću kao i odnosom koji grade sa svojim učenicima. Naši profesori svojim dugogodišnjim iskustvom i predanim radom prenose znanje stranih jezika generacijama naših polaznik; radi se o vrhunskim poznavateljima stranih jezika te će vaše dijete biti u najboljim rukama pripremajući se za svijet u kojem vrijedi pravilo ‘koliko jezika znaš, toliko ljudi vrijediš.’

Glavni moto našeg Pappagallo tima jesu ENTUZIJAZAM I SRDAČNOST, INDIVIDUALNI PRISTUP I PRIJATELJSKA SURADNJA u učionici, ali i izvan nje!


Teslina 16a, Split
Tel: (021) 345360


Gupčeva 12, Split
Tel: (021) 489917


Žnjanska 4, Split
Tel: (021) 320171